Chris Barrington-Leigh

I am an Associate Professor at McGill University, joint between its Department of Equity, Ethics and Policy (DEEP, in the School of Population and Global Health) and the Bieler School of Environment (BSE), and Associate Member in the Department of Economics. Both DEEP and BSE are multi-Faculty units at McGill. I teach in the School of Environment and occasionally in the Department of Economics.

Recent Past Appointments (economics)

In 2011 I held a postdoctoral appointment at the Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability at UBC. In 2017-2018 I was a visiting professor at IRES.


From 2009-2011 I held a postdoctoral appointment at UBC as a Global Scholar of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) in the Social Interactions, Identity and Well-Being program. My appointment was with John Helliwell in the Economics Department at UBC.

<h3>UBC Economics</h3>

I completed my PhD in the Economics department at UBC in 2009. On my committee were Thomas Lemieux, Nicole Fortin, and John Helliwell.

Earlier appointments (physics page)
My C.V. as PDF

My surname is "Barrington-Leigh", not Barrington, not Leigh. It is pronounced "Barrington-Lee".

2014 Chris Barrington-Leigh