Evaluating Bold Policy Proposals - Children and psychosocial skillsMay 14, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:50 PM
Panel presentations and live discussion with wellbeing research, policy and practice leaders to propose and assess the feasibility of specific bold, cost-effective, evidence-based and impactful policies for wellbeing.
SpeakersSarah FlècheAssistant Professor at Aix-Marseille School of Economics, Research Associate at the Well-Being Observatory (CEPREMAP) and LSE Centre for Economic Performance
Shelley Phipps
Professor of Economics, Dalhousie University
Prof Lord Richard LayardMember of the House of Lords, Professor and Founder-Director of LSE’s Centre for Economic Performance and Co-director of the Centre’s program on Community Wellbeing
Nora SpinksChief Executive Officer, Vanier Institute of the Family
Lisa WolffDirector, Policy and Research / Directrice des politiques et de l’éducation, UNICEF Canada
Margo GreenwoodAcademic Leader, National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health
Mary BartramPolicy Director, Mental Health Commission of Canada & Adjunct Professor, Carleton University